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Siem Reap, Cambodia

Val and I spent two days visiting the temples and other structures around Siem Reap. These date back to the 9th century. The most famous is Angkor Wat, but there are many other very impressive sites as well.

21-What's holding up what!.JPG

22-Who's winning!.JPG

23-Who's that!.JPG

24-Another big one!.JPG

25-Entry gate at Banteay Kdei.JPG

26-A little closer.JPG


28-Cimbing to Phnom Bakheng.JPG

29-On the plateau.JPG

30-View down to plateau.JPG

31-Alternate transport to the top.JPG

32-Steep stairs!.JPG

33-Val the Garuda Gal!.JPG

34-And the chain saw wins!.JPG

JAlbum 5.2